Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monkeying Around

In my last film "Silly Faces," (still available on Netflix) I tried to show the dichotomy of war and silliness; perhaps no one did this better then the late Soupy Sales who had a pie thrown in his face for each fallen Vietnam vet. Rest in peace Soupy, you were one of this nation's greatest auteurs.

In my new film "Balcony" I try to explore the very delicate balance of being 20 stories in the air while dressed as a monkey - the symbol of the banana and its relevance to our escalation in Afghanistan cannot be overlooked. While I rarely talk about the deeper meanings behind my films I think you will all find it quite moving to see the dog (i.e. Afghanistan) reject the monkey.  It's as though the dog is saying, "Go away, monkey!  You can do no good here."  I am saddened.  I turn and walk the length of the balcony once more.  I urge all of you to vote for "Balcony" as best picture of the year as it transcends the label of documentary. I cannot be categorized!

Cora Elizabeth Pape
Nov. 1, 2009