Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well it's my first Halloween and all I can say is " Where's the candy? "
Mommy and daddy liked Halloween so much that they put me in three 
different outfits, I have no idea why I put up with this. The first outfit 
had me as a little Amish girl. This  upset daddy who was mugged by
three Amish men and beaten with clogs on his last trip to Pennsylvania, 
mommy took the costume back.  My second outfit had me as a lima 
bean until mommy pointed out that it was a pea pod outfit, daddy 
declared it sure looked like a lima bean to him, and then the fight 
was on. They finally decided on a duck outfit - that quacked them 
both up. Heey, is that my first pun?
Oooh, I've got to go tell daddy. 

Cora Elizabeth
All Hollows Eve
PS: You can always send candy to me care of daddy at 185 Clinton Ave 14G.
( I love Snickers bars )


Anonymous said...

Cora is still too young for puns, I do not give permission. You have to take it slow, or it warps their little minds.
Snickers are another thing altogether.

Papasan said...

Mmm, candy. This year we let Mather actually go door to door. Then we ate her candy. What a great deal!

FREEDOM said...

I'm going to do that on Christmas!
More presents that way.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the Amish costume. It's a winner every year. Pea pod - that only works until Cora's 4.