Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Joe!

Daddy says it's Grandpa's 80th birthday and we should perform a
roast, I've written the following jokes for his amusement.

1. Grandpa's so old he's stopped teething!!!

2. Grandpa is so old that his crib mate was Methuselah!!

3. Grandpa is so old that he knows how to walk on two legs!!! 
    Oh, don't get me started !!

Drive safely everybody and thanks for coming.

Cora Shecky Pape
Mar. 11, 2009


Momily said...

Miss Magoo has those jammies too!

Papasan said...

I'll bet they're the same size, too.

Unknown said...
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Sara Ransom said...

Grandpa's so old he remembers Pat Boone!