Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Boodles Tunnel

I just had the greatest idea!! I think I'm going to allow all of the neat things that I saw down in the grating float around my brain for another nineteen years, then I'm going to buy a lot of spraypaint and paint the images in a tunnel really large. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I wonder where I can find a tunnel.

Cora Elizabeth Pape
August 15, 2009

1 comment:

Sara Ransom said...

Oooh, possibilities abounding on that one! Cora-child, ask your daddy to show you the tunnel that HE found -- the one that he and mommy stood above when they got married. That should give you oodles of ideas. Then! the next time you go to a tunnel, bring your whole kit'n'kaboodle! Showtime.