Friday, August 15, 2008

Why Mom and Dad Must Go

It was only a matter of time before mommy and daddy got caught
red handed. In the above photograph you can clearly see them 
trying to drown me! I was all alone having a lovely dream about
breast milk when the two of them grabbed me and said it was time
for my first bath. I have to tell you, this bath thing draws eerie 
parallels to what's going on at Gitmo. I took a stand and said no
to their little water boarding exercise, but that wasn't good enough.
Daddy wrestled me to the ground while mommy turned up the water,
I endured the torture for ten minutes before they realized that I 
probably didn't know anything.

I will dedicate my life to ending the barbaric practice that my parents
chose to foist on me - this thing they call a bath.
Fight the power.
Cora Elizabeth


Momily said...

The real title of the post, "Why Neck Cheese Must Go!"... ahhh, the goopy stickiness of babies.

Momily said...

p.s. congrats on the belly button sans cordage!

Unknown said...
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FREEDOM said...

There in lies the rub, the goopy stickiness
of the little ones is so enticing that too many
of them get eaten before the age of two!

Chris Pape